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Wolf Creek

Movie: Wolf Creek

Synopsis: Three backpackers stranded in the Australian outback are plunged in a hellish nightmare of insufferable torture by a sadistic psychopathic local.

Release Date: December 25, 2005

MPAA Rating: R

Writer: Greg McLean

Director: Greg McLean

Star Cast: John Jarratt Nathan Phillips Cassandra Magrath Kestie Morassi

As I searched through the DVD bin at my local pawn shop I pulled Wolf Creek from the shelf and examined it. On the back it flaunted a one line review stating “not since the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre has terror felt so real”. Of course I had to grab it after reading that being an avid TCM fan myself. I bought it for a $1 so I figured what could it hurt. Let me just say for a $1 it’s a fun movie but is it worth more than that? Read on!

Even though I want to compare this movie to Texas Chainsaw Massacre because of the one line review on the back I’m not going to because it would lose. I will say there are some similarities for instance the killer kind of acts like the hitch hiker. The killer himself is creepy and definitely knows what he’s doing. When he said he was a sharp shooter he wasn’t lying that guy hit a water bottle from what seemed like miles away! He does great at acting goofy and friendly at first but in a heartbeat he turns cold and sadistic. Other than him the acting is not great.

The movie took forever to get going and then it would go and then slow down again. One of the girls finds herself tied up and then it’s dark and she starts trying to get out. Wouldn’t you start right away? I know you think oh it’s night he won’t see me but what if he would have got to you before then? You also have Ben who is tied up and it seems like he waits two days to start getting away. I just felt like it took to long to get going and stay going.

All in all this is a fun movie but it does have some flaws. It spawned a sequel and tv show with a third movie reportedly on the way. I’m giving Wolf Creek a 3 out of 5 stars. Thanks for reading!

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