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Winchester (2018)

Movie: Winchester Synopsis: Ensconced in her sprawling California mansion, eccentric firearm heiress Sarah Winchester believes she is haunted by the souls of people killed by the Winchester repeating rifle. Release Date: February 2, 2018 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Writer: Tom Vaughan The Spiereg Brothers Director: The Spiereg Brothers Star Cast: Helen Mirren Jason Clarke Sarah Snook This is the newest movie I have reviewed and the first time I’ve watched a movie once and reviewed it. The Spiereg Brothers, who wrote and directed Daybreakers with Ethan Hawke, take a stab at a supernatural horror movie. The movie is based on the haunting of the house that Sarah Winchester moves into after losing her daughter and husband. In the movie the Winchester company wants to know if she is still mentally capable of running the company. The company brings in a doctor to give a report and little does he know he will be stepping into the madness. Let me first say that this movie has received some very bad reviews but after watching it I don’t think it’s the best thing ever but it has some good stuff. First off I think the acting was great. Helen Mirren plays Sarah Winchester and Jason Clarke plays Dr. Eric Price. Although these aren’t big name actors they do a very good job at keeping you engaged and feeling like the movie is real. Where does the movie lack? This may sound weird but it’s a decent horror movie but not much scare. There were so many jump scares that felt cheesy that I became numb to it and expected it at every point in the movie. Some places were tense but as it went on I just couldn’t be scared anymore. This movie tried to hard to scare when if it just stuck to what it needed to it would have been a great experience. I love the time setting of this movie and how they did a lot to make it feel old time. From things like the wind up telephone to just the way they talked. This movie gets an A+ from the old time attire, language, and the overall visual of the movie. There wasn’t to much surprise or twists in this movie. I guessed before hand a lot of things that were supposed to be surprises I guess. I don’t like to figure out something before I’m actually supposed to figure it out. It ruins the movie for me but they didn’t even try to cover it up! I partially blame The Uninvited movie for me figuring out only the main character can see another character and nobody else can. This movie could have done so much more and I hate saying that because it just leaves me wondering why didn’t they do more. This movie isn’t bad but if you don’t see it in your lifetime I think you’ll be ok. If your into supernatural and based on a true story horror movies then check this one out. I give this movie a three out of five stars as it kind of just falls in the middle for me. Let me know what you think in the comments below! 

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