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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Synopsis: Two siblings and three of their friends en route to visit their grandfather’s grave in Texas end up falling victim to a family of cannibalistic psychopaths. Release Date: October 1, 1974 MPAA Rating: R Writer: Kim Henkel Tobe Hooper Director: Tobe Hooper Star Cast: Marilyn Burns Allen Danziger Paul A. Partain William Vail Teri McMinn Edwin Neal Jim Siedow Gunnar Hansen John Dugan Well here we are, the Head Cheese review of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When I was younger my cousin had moved from Missouri to Texas and he said “let’s go by Hastings and grab a horror movie.” I grabbed the 30th anniversary edition of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Before then I had never seen it before but fell in love with it right away. After watching it it inspired me to grab the sequels which aren’t as good but they aren’t terrible. Soon I was collecting Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street and my horror collection began to grow! This movie is what inspired me to call my blog Head Cheese and to go to the Cult Classic Convention. I met Jerry AKA the van driver and got a picture and autograph with the hitchhiker. RIP to the ones that have gone on before us. I would have loved to meet Leatherface in person. Well, enough rambling let’s get to the review! (If you want to see any pictures from the convention go to our Facebook group or Twitter page!) First off I just want to say this movie gets a five out of five stars but that’s not to say it’s flawless. What this movie does best is get under your skin. The scene where Sally is in the dining room surrounded by the family and all the close ups and sound effects just makes my skin crawl. One of the questions asked at the convention was what makes Texas Chainsaw Massacre such a classic and Jerry answered it best to me. He said because it’s believable and it could really happen. I think that’s why I love it so much because it feels so real and no matter how many times I watch it it gets me every time. This movie didn’t need jump scares to make it scary but instead messed with your mind and got under your skin. Like I said in the previous paragraph the sound effects are eerie and scary. The music is great as well and especially the song playing while they are in the van with the hitchhiker. Roger Bartlett recorded the song called Fool for a Blonde that you need to look up on YouTube and listen to. I bought a CD from Roger at the convention and got his autograph. My kids even like listening to it and he got a kick out of that. For a movie with no big name actors the actings was really well done. Allen Danziger, the guy who plays Jerry, actually played in Tobe Hooper’s first film Eggshells and I may have to go check that out. Edwin Neal, the hitchhiker, is such a funny and great guy to talk to I really enjoyed chatting with him. They’re a great cast and you can tell they are like a family. Allen Danziger said during the panel at the convention that during the van scene it was so hot and there was no a/c in the van that they would take breaks and redo the girls make up and hair but not the guys. One time during a break Allen ran into the trailer and they told him there was nothing they could do for him. He also told us one of the sound guys was under a blanket in the van, imagine how hot that would be! I know you’re thinking, “this guy is a fan boy and doesn’t think there is anything wrong with the movie.” Well you are correct! No just kidding. This movie didn’t have a lot of wrong but there could have been more gore. For a movie with a guy with a chainsaw there isn’t a lot of blood and guts. I know some people go over board with it but they could have done more. If you haven’t watched this movie then what are you waiting for!? It’s a classic and I honestly lost count at how many times I have watched it. Go out, buy this movie, and let me know what you think. This movie has spawned sequels, remakes, and even prequels but nothing compares to the original. I gave this movie a five out of five because The Saw Is Family... You could have dinner with brother makes good head cheese! You like head cheese? 

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