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The Plague (2006)

Movie: The Plague Synopsis: Ten years have passed since the world’s children fell into a coma. Tonight they’re waking up and all hell is breaking loose. An unholy battle between the generations is being waged, and time is not on the side of adults. Release Date: September 5, 2006 MPAA Rating: R Writer: Hal Masonberg Teal Minton Director: Hal Masonberg Star Cast: James Van Der Beek Ivana Milicevic Can I just say I don’t like this movie and walk away? No? Ok fine I’ll review it. Yet again I’m wondering where and why did I buy this? This movie stars James Van Der Beek AKA Dawson Leery from Dawson’s Creek. Not an all star cast and the only decent actor in the movie is James. Dee Wallace who has been in movies such as The Hills Have Eyes and E.T. is in the movie but not a huge role. The acting is robotic in this movie and I just can’t feel the emotions of the characters. I will say they did a great job with the infected children. I read a review elsewhere that said the music was great and John carpenter style. I don’t agree because to me the music sounds like a 3 year old banging on a piano. They brought no intensity to the movie and may have even made it unbearable. The makeup on the infected was well done and made them pretty creepy looking. There’s one scene where one of the infected breaks one of the survivors legs and it doesn’t show much but it will make you say “oh man”. Here’s one of my biggest problems with the movie. The storyline. I’ve watched it twice recently and I still don’t get the storyline in this movie. Especially the end and what the point in all this is. If you get it please explain it to me because to me it goes here’s a story but now I’m not going to give you all of the story. I really think this movie could have done way better. There’s so much promise but it just doesn’t deliver for me. I’ve seen mixed reviews but I’m going to have to say I didn’t enjoy this movie. The storyline was headed in a great direction then derailed, characters have no emotion, and the music was awful. Fix those three things and I think you got a hit. But from what I saw and experience this movie gets a 1 out of 5 stars from me. Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts below! 

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