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September 2018 Update

Another month down and September is going to be awesome! We have the Cult Classic Convention on September 29th and we got plenty of awesome reviews coming your way. I got some quick things I want to go over and make sure you check out the podcast for updates as well. | Reviews | Not 100% on what I’m reviewing this month but I think I’m going to go with newer movies. I’m doing Winchester next Friday and then I’ll see where I go from there. I feel like my writing is improving and hopefully y’all see it as well. I love doing these reviews and sharing my love or dislike for a horror movie because I’ll never hate a horror movie! | Podcast | Sorry for the static on the last podcast. I may need to invest in a cheap microphone that would be better than using my Apple earbuds. I’m also going to start writing down my topics for the podcast in hopes that brings some improvement from me trying to think of topics as I go. I also would like any questions y’all have for the next podcast. Please keep the questions reasonable and clean. | Head Cheese 2.0 | If you listened to the podcast then you heard the exciting news about us working on Head Cheese 2.0! I am excited about all the new features and improvements we will be bringing to everybody. As I said most features will be free but some will require a monthly payment. Beta testers have joined me to focus on making 2.0 the best thing since sliced head cheese. As I said in the podcast I will have more information as we get closer to 2019. Stay tuned! | Cult Classic Convention | I hope y’all are as excited as I am about the Cult Classic Convention! My wife and I will be going to our first convention ever and we are counting down the days. We are working on getting Head Cheese shirts made so we can advertise this awesome site! We will go live on Facebook at certain points so y’all can follow along with us. We will also take plenty of other videos and pictures as well to share with y’all. So make sure you tune in on September 29th! Well that’s all I got for today but keep tuned in as I have a feeling September is going to be awesome! Remember to invite your friends and follow us on social media! Thanks! 

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