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Rest Stop (2006)

Movie: Rest Stop


The film follows Nicole Carrow, a young woman who is threatened by a maniac serial killer, after her boyfriend Jess, is abducted in a rest stop.

Release Date: October 17, 2006

MPAA Rating: R

Writer: John Shiban

Director: John Shiban

Star Cast:

Jaimie Alexander

Joey Mendicino

Deanna Russo

I struggled to start writing this review because the movie really doesn’t give you a bunch to review. There’s not much cast, the film location is pretty much one place for 90% of the movie, and there’s little to know about the villain. Warner Brothers was wanting to expand its horizon so it decided to start Raw Feed which would put out horror movies and other genres straight to DVD. Here I’ll give you the list of movies they put out under Raw Feed: Rest Stop, Sublime, Believers, Otis, Alien Raiders, and Rest Stop: Don’t Look Back. Not a great track record and in 2008 the project was scrapped. Rest Stop was written and directed by John Shiban who had done some X-Files episodes, Hells on Wheels, and the such but nothing movie wise. I’d say for his first time doing a movie it’s decent but lacks so much that you probably won’t watch it again. I watched the movie once around the time it first came out and then watched it for this review and may never watch it again.

So what’s exactly wrong with the movie? Well first let me just say that I like how they tried a bunch of brave risk for a first time movie. You got practically one film location, a small cast, some twist and turns, and a villain you really don’t get to see up close. It’s a psychological movie that will have you wondering what’s real. The bad part is none of it is truly going to grab you and say hey this movie is freakin awesome so go make a review video on YouTube and shout it to the world. The film location while it can be eerie it just gets old after awhile. The small cast is made up of people who can’t carry the movie along but props to Jaimie Alexander for trying. The twist and turns don’t blow your mind but just make you say “meh”. The villain you aren’t even scared of because really besides torturing people there’s no substance to him to make you fear him.

If you are starting this side project to make movies direct to dvd I imagine you aren’t thinking the movies will be massive hits but you have to do something to make it worthwhile. The movie is 80 minutes long but it feels like you are watching it drag out as the same things happen over and over. Oh she’s going to be saved! Just kidding that person wasn’t real. That’s another flaw of this movie. They never explain anything that’s going on. The last thing that makes any sense is when they pulled into the Rest Stop for her to pee. After that who knows what in the world is actually going on. If anybody can explain it please let me know. I have a theory but honestly even that doesn’t truly make sense to me. If you would like to hear it let me know and maybe I’ll make a separate post about it.

A sequel did come about as the last movie Raw Feed would put out and I own it as well. I’m giving this movie a one out of five as I see no reason to watch it unless someone gave it to you and you had nothing else to do.

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