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Prom Night (1980)

Movie: Prom Night Synopsis: At a high school senior prom, a masked killer stalks four teenagers who were responsible for the accidental death of a classmate six years previously. Release Date: July 18, 1980 MPAA Rating: R Writer: William Gray Director: Paul Lynch Star Cast: Leslie Nielsen Jamie Lee Curtis. After a huge success starring in Halloween Jamie Lee Curtis returns in the movie Prom Night. You are probably thinking this movie must be a success but you couldn’t be more wrong. The only thing this movie has going for it is Jamie Lee Curtis and well that’s about it. The movie starts out with a bunch of kids playing a messed up game of hide and seek but the seeker is a “killer” but not literally. Well until a group of three children come along and one of them decides to join. The girl who joined ends up falling out of a window and the original group of children swear to secrecy. Before the scene cuts away you see a shadow appear over the dead girl and then it fast forwards to the high school days. I don’t want to give everything away but what it boils down to is the shadow we saw is the killer out to get revenge for the girl who fell out of the window. The acting is sub par except from Jamie Lee Curtis. None of the cast really fit into their character. If Jamie Lee Curtis wasn’t in this film I would give the cast a zero. The film uses to much time setting everything and when everything is finally set up its ending. My least favorite part is the night of the prom as they use a lot of useless scenes to pad run time. I understand it’s prom and there is dancing but come on show something else or get it over with! By the time the movie was over I was glad because it dragged on way to long. Prom Night definitely hit the nail on the head with giving the 80s vibe with the dresses, the music, and the visuals. The music was a horrible 80s music and the visuals will give you a headache. I know I’m being very negative towards this movie but after the success Jamie Lee Curtis had with Halloween I guess I expected more. To bring this to an end if you’re a hardcore Jamie Lee Curtis fan then don’t spend to much on this movie. There are plenty of other great 80s horror movies out there and this one missed the spot. I give this a 2 out of 5 stars just for having Jamie Lee Curtis and there is worse out there. What do you think? Am I being to hard on Prom Night? 

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