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July 2018 Update

Hello everyone! I wanted to make a blog post to go over everything that is going on around here at Head Cheese. First off make sure you go subscribe to the Head Cheese website, join our Facebook group, and follow us on Twitter! You can stay up to date and join in on the fun by joining us on those three places! | Horror Reviews | June was a great start as we had four movie reviews (Friday the 13th, Children of the Corn, Prom Night, and Poltergeist). The month of July we will be reviewing Joy Ride, Friday the 13th Part 2, and The Evil Dead. | Podcasts | The Head Cheese Podcast will come out once a month on the last Friday of the month. When we release a podcast we will not release a review on the same day. The podcasts are geared towards updates on Head Cheese as well as other things going on in the horror world. Right now I’m working on getting the podcast added to the Apple Podcast. You can listen on SoundCloud and I have added a SoundCloud player at the bottom of the Head Cheese website for listening. If you are a member of SoundCloud then please go follow and like our page. We are also currently working with a music artist to make an intro song for the podcast. | Scary Question Competition | As announced in the podcast we will be doing a competition that you can win a prize from! Once a week on Tuesday starting July 3rd we will be posting a horror related question on Facebook and Twitter at a random time during the day. The questions will be different between Facebook and Twitter and you can answer both. If you are the first person to comment with the correct answer you will get a tally by your name. If you have the most tallies by your name at the end of the competition you will win the prize! Right now we are thinking the prize will be a $15 gift card to Fandango but this is still pending. To get more people involved there is another way to get tallies. If you invite someone and they join our Facebook group and/or follow us on Twitter and they correctly answer the question first then you will get a tally along with them. This will only apply once per person you invite and they join. The competition ends December 25th and the winner will be announced on December 28th on the podcast. | Other News | We are working on finding the best way for people to rate the movies we review. We want it to be able to take an average of stars that you all rate it at. We are also working with the artist that made the Head Cheese banner to also make us a small logo. If there is anything else that would make Head Cheese better please feel free to contact us in anyway. 

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