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Frogs (1972)

Movie: Frogs


A group of hapless victims celebrate a birthday on an island estate crawling with killer amphibians, birds, insects, and reptiles.

Release Date: March 10, 1972

MPAA Rating: PG

Writer: Robert Hutchinson

Robert Blees

Director: George McCowan

Star Cast:

Ray Milland

Sam Elliott

Joan Van Ark

Adam Roarke

Judy Pace

Lynn Borden

Mae Mercer

David Gilliam

In the 1970s there was plenty of nature versus human movies coming out called “eco-horror”. Jaws is probably one of the biggest people remember. Well you maybe scared of a shark but what about a frog? No? Well they made a movie about it anyways. My dad introduced me to this movie and it is nothing compared to Jaws. I feel like this movie was an environmentalist trying to scare people into thinking nature would attack them for all the pollution us humans are causing.

First off this movie is called Frogs but all the kills are done by other animals. The poster shows a frog with a human hand sticking out giving you the impression that this is some mutant frog that is eating humans. This movie has no mutant frogs and the frogs are kind of just there to look at. The movie shows shots of frogs and toads and builds up like there is some big war between frogs and humans coming. None of that happens. You spend most of the movie wondering when is the horror going to begin. That’s why to me it feels like some PBS environment protection movie given the movie is rated PG and is not even scary.

When the killing does start happening they are horrible kills. Most of the kills could have been avoided and just stupidity on the humans part. All of the kills are not even by the frogs so maybe a different name would have suited this movie better. I understand there are a bunch of frogs in this movie so why wouldn’t you use that to your advantage and actually make the frogs the killers! At the end the frogs finally take over the house while everyone else is dead or has left except the old man. You think finally the frogs are going to kill! No! The old man has a heart attack. Really movie?

The only thing this movie has going for it is one it took a big risk of dealing with a bunch of animals which is no easy task. Two it had a young Sam Elliott and I don’t think I need to say more on how awesome he is.

If you would like to see how not to make an eco-horror movie then watch Frogs. It’s like they thought let’s make people think it’s going to be a huge mutant frog eating people and then shove some environmental stuff down their throat. I’m giving this movie a 1 out of 5 stars as it’s probably one of the worse horror movies I own.

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