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Children of the Corn (1984)

Movie: Children of the Corn Synopsis: A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believe everyone over the age of 18 must be killed. Release Date: March 9, 1984 MPAA Rating: R Writer: George Goldsmith Director: Fritz Kiersch Star Cast: Peter Horton Linda Hamilton There’s no doubt that Stephen King is the king of horror books. Some of his books and stories have been made into movies. Some have been successful and some haven’t. I would say this movie is fairly well done and something I can watch more than once. The story goes there is a group of children in a town called Gatlin, Nebraska that murder all the adults in the town. The children are lead by a kid named Isaac who brings upon this strange religion. A couple named Burt and Vicky ride into town after hitting one of the children, Joseph, on the road that was trying to escape. Malachi, who is Isaac’s right hand man, tries to over throw Isaac only to upset “he who walks behind the rows”. Burt and Vicky help to try to rid the town of the evil that has it by the ear. Get it? Ear. Corn. Ok let’s move on. I enjoyed the acting in this movie for being mostly made up of children. John Franklin who plays Isaac does a phenomenal job at being creepy and a leader of the cult. Really all the children did a great job along with Peter Horton and Linda Hamilton. My favorite line in this whole movie and sometimes I go around saying it is “Malachai! He wants you too, Malachai. He wants you too!” Fritz Kiersch who hasn’t had much success since Children of the Corn did a pretty good job at directing this movie. The story flows well besides the beginning which I feel took way to long. The costumes also added to the old religious cult that the children were following. Overall I feel like the movie was well done as far as directing, editing, and cinematography. I imagine next time you drive through a field of corn after watching this you will be a little freaked out. I feel like what this movie lacked overall was the wow factor to really draw you in and make you want more. The sequels are lackluster and the original is good but not enough to put in your top 10. It’s definitely a movie to check out as I give it a 3 out 5 stars. What do you think? 

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