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August 2018 Update

Can you believe that two months have already gone by since Head Cheese started. We had a great amount of success in July and want to keep that trend going. Make sure you join us on Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, and of course our official Head Cheese website which you should be reading this on. | Horror Reviews | This month I am going to theme the horror movie reviews around back to school. Every movie will have something to do with school or school aged characters. The movies I will be reviewing will be A Nightmare on Elm Street, Cry_Wolf, Silent Hill, and The Plague. Very excited to review these and I hope you are as well. | Scary Question Tuesday | I feel like this has been really successful after just one month of doing it. We received two new Facebook members and Sherry received two extra points for them answering correctly. Another thing I announced in the Podcast that I’ll reiterate on here is the sponsoring of Scary Question Tuesday. If you sell a product and you want to promote your product through Head Cheese then sponsor Scary Question Tuesday. You can set the end date and the questions if you want to. All you have to do is come up with the prize which can be your product or something else of your choice as long as it’s approved by Head Cheese. In return Head Cheese will promote your business/product across our social media and website. All we ask is that you tell your customers about the awesome promotion we are doing! If you are interested email us at | Head Cheese Sample | You may have seen after the viewing of The First Purge we posted a quick review on our Twitter. We are calling this the Head Cheese Sample (cool name huh?). At Head Cheese we hope to watch plenty of horror movies in theatre so we can give you our initial thought on the movie. We are rolling this out on Twitter first to see how it does so make sure you follow us @HeadCheeseHR! In closing I’m excited about the future of Head Cheese and hope you stick around! Thanks and just so you know there is a monster in the closet. 

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