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December 2018 Update

We are in the last month of 2018! Crazy right? As we bring Head Cheese to the end of 2018 I'm going to let everyone in on what is coming this month and in 2019!

| Head Cheese Social Media |

Facebook has been the place of most of our activity as we can do more with Facebook than Twitter. In December we will bring the Scary Question Tuesday and Head Cheese Bracket Challenge to a close and announce both winners on January 1st. Starting around October 2019 we will have another Head Cheese Bracket Challenge but with a different theme. With the introduction of Head Cheese 2.0 and paid membership we will be putting Scary Question Tuesday on hold until we figure out the best way to continue it.

| Head Cheese Paid Membership |

That brings us to our next topic, paid membership. Think of it not really as a paid membership but just helping Head Cheese get on its feet so that we can go to conventions and do many other awesome things! The payments will either be Monthly ($5/month) or Yearly ($50 for 12 months) with the Yearly actually saving you money but giving you the same awesome benefits!

So what do you get?

- Shout out in the Head Cheese Podcast

- Access to members only newsletter

- Digital Head Cheese Membership Card

- Access to member only content

- Access to exclusive Head Cheese gear

- Suggest horror movies to review

- Member only drawings

- ...And more to come!

This will all be coming in early 2019!

| Head Cheese Podcast |

Another thing we will be working on to improve in 2019 is the Head Cheese Podcast. We want to make it more like a show instead of just an update on Head Cheese. Don't be surprised if you hear a whole new revamped podcast in 2019!

| Head Cheese Straight Out of Bastrop T-Shirt |

With the craziness of the holidays going on we haven't had the time to sit down and plan this out. We will start taking preorders in December or January. As soon as we have full details like price we will let everyone know. You are going to want one of these shirts!

| Head Cheese 2.0 |

As you have seen we have been rolling out updates of the Head Cheese Official Website and everything is looking great on a computer and smart phone! We have an updated blog for the reviews, a forum to chat with other members, a calendar to keep up with whats going on at Head Cheese, a page to see all the horror movies we own, a media page for pictures, and a podcast page so you don't have to go far! We will continue to bring awesome things to you as we think of them! Make sure you sign up (FREE!) to take full advantage of this awesome website!

| Head Cheese YouTube Channel |

It could happen in 2019 right?

As always if there is something you think we should do or not do to improve any part of Head Cheese please let us know on email, Facebook, Twitter, the forum, or any other way you can reach us! Thanks for all your support! 2018 has been a great start and we look forward to 2019!

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